How can the data you export from Wisible be displayed in Thai?

Share important files in each deal for more convenient collaboration
Share important files in each deal for more convenient collaboration
How can the data you export from Wisible be displayed in Thai?
How can the data you export from Wisible be displayed in Thai?

Exporting Data

In the case that you would like to export data from the system, it can easily be done by following these steps:

  1. Sign In to Wisible with Super Admin Account
  2. At the pipeline page, click on ‘More’ buttom on the top right corner and click on the ‘Export’ button
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3. The dialog will pop-up, click ‘Export’. You will receive the file as ‘deal.csv’ which are the entire data on the pipeline page. If there are many pipelines, you have to separately download in each pipeline.

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Exporting Data

Normally, for excel format, if it is a CSV file. The UTF-8 will not be set us, therefore, Thai version will not be able to read by the format (This example is MS Excel Version 16.x 2019 which some version might be some differences in menu positions)

  1. Open ‘New Workbook’ on Excel
  2. Go to Menu > Data > From Text
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3. Then, choose the file ‘deal.csv’ and click ‘Get Data’ button.

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4. Excel will open Dialog “Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 3”

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5. At File origin: choose Unicode (UTF-8) and click ‘Next’

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6. then, Delimiters, check the Tab and Comma and then click ‘Next’

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7. On the last page, click ‘Finish’

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8. Finally, click ‘OK’, with this, you will be able to read the Thai data. You can now click ‘Save file’.

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